Conversation Analysis (CA): the dominant approach to the study of human social interaction

«The field of Conversation Analysis (CA) began with just three people, Emanuel Schegloff, Harvey Sacks and Gail Jefferson. It grew, as many new enterprises do, out of a dissatisfaction with the methodologies and theories of the time, as they pertained to everyday social behavior. Forty years later, CA is the dominant approach to the study of human social interaction across the disciplines of Sociology, Linguistics and Communication. The most recent international conference on Conversation Analysis (ICCA – 2010) boasted more than 600 attendees. CA publications are estimated to be over 5,000 in number and growing rapidly. In short, CA in the 21st century represents a rich and vibrant community of international scholars working across a wide range of languages, institutional and ordinary contexts, and disciplinary boundaries» (Sidnell & Stivers, 2013: 1).

Fonte: Sidnell, J. & Stivers, T. eds., 2013. Introduction. In The Handbook of Conversation Analysis. Malden / Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 1–8.

Michel G. J. Binet

Professeur Universitaire à l’ISSSL-UL (Instituto Superior de Serviço Social de Lisboa – Universidade Lusíada) - Chercheur en Travail social - Docteur en Anthropologie - Analyste de Conversation - Coord. do Lab•FEACC - Chercheur Associé ADAC - Consultant - Formateur - Traducteur (portugais-français) - Membre du Conseil du GIS Hybrida-IS, Groupement d'Intérêt Scientifique en Travail social

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Michel G. J. Binet (8 de Fevereiro de 2014). Conversation Analysis (CA): the dominant approach to the study of human social interaction. Lab•FEACC. Recuperado em 8 de Dezembro de 2024 de

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