DANASWAC’s 13th annual Meeting
Tampere, 8 – 11 Augusto de 2016
- Åberg, Linnéa | University of Gothenburg / University West
- Bergset, Kari | Sogn og Fjordane University College, faculty of Social Sciences
- Binet, Michel | GEACC – CLISSIS / Instituto Superior de Serviço Social de Lisboa (ISSSL – Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa)
- Caswell, Dorte | Aalborg University
- Cedersund, Elisabet | Linköping University
- Danneris, Sophie | Department of Sociology & Social Work, Aalborg University
- Dobslaw, Gudrun | University of Applied Sciences Bielefeld
- Günther, Kirsi | University of Tampere
- Hopwood, Nick | University of Technology Sydney
- Juhila, Kirsi | University of Tampere
- Jørgensen, Tone | Sogn og Fjordane University College
- Koprowska, Juliet | University of York
- Messmer, Heinz | University of Applied Sciences and Arts / FHNW
- Mullins, Eve | University of Edinburgh
- Mäkitalo, Åsa | University of Gothenburg
- Olesen, Søren Peter | Aalborg University
- Raitakari, Suvi | University of Tampere
- Räsänen, Jenni-Mari | University of Tampere
- Saario, Sirpa | University of Tampere
- Selseng, Lillian Bruland | Sogn og Fjordane University College
- Sousa, Isabel | GEACC – CLISSIS / Instituto Superior de Serviço Social de Lisboa (ISSSL – Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa)
- Van Nijnatten, Carol | Utrecht University

Participação do GEACC
- Binet, M, 09/08/2016. Ethno-Inquiries and WorldBuilding in Multidisciplinary Team Meetings: Ethnomethodological Studies of Early Childhood Intervention in Portugal (Data Session). In DANASWAC’s 13th annual meeting. Tampere.
- Sousa (de), I, 10/08/2016. The attention to the Other in the daily practice of social workers (Data Session). In DANASWAC’s 13th annual meeting. Tampere.

Para saber mais –> DANASWAC / Events
DANASWAC | Discourse And Narrative Approaches to Social Work And Counselling
OpenEdition sugere que esta publicação seja citada da seguinte forma:
Michel G. J. Binet (19 de Julho de 2016). Participação no DANASWAC’s 13th annual meeting (Tampere, 8 – 11 Augusto de 2016). Lab•FEACC. Recuperado em 6 de Fevereiro de 2025 de https://doi.org/10.58079/oy33